Take the First Step Today
Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Is Preventable
Learn how regular screening and early detection can protect your health and save lives.
Facts you should know
Colon Cancer & Screening Facts
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Colon Cancer is Common!
- 3rd most commonly diagnosed cancer in both men and women (excluding skin cancers).
- 2nd leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S.
- Approximately 1 in 22 people will be diagnosed in their lifetime.
Low Screening Rates
- Nearly 1 in 3 adults (50–75) are not up-to-date with screenings.
- Even lower rates among those aged 45–49, where nearly 2 in 3 adults are not up to date.
- Gaps in screening lead to missed opportunities for early detection and prevention.
The importance of Early Detection
- 90% five-year survival rate when found early
- Around 6 in 10 cases are diagnosed at a more advanced stage, where survival rates drop dramatically (often below 15%)
- Earlier detection through screening greatly improves outcomes and saves lives.
Colorectal Cancer can be Prevented with Screening
Precancerous polyps can be found and removed before cancer develops.
Studies suggest ~60% of deaths could be prevented with routine screening.
Regular tests significantly reduce the disease’s overall burden.
When Should Screening Start?
- Recommended at age 45 for average-risk individuals (recently lowered from 50).
- Reflects increasing incidence in younger adults
- Earlier detection aims to improve prevention and survival rates.
Insurance Coverage
- Most insurance plans cover recommended screenings.
- Typically no out-of-pocket cost for colonoscopy.
- Reduces financial barriers to getting screened.
risk Assessment
Reassurance & Transition
Understanding these facts is the first step toward taking control of your colon health. while there are several screening options available, Certain screening options may not be appropriate for specific patients.